Meet your practitioner, healer, and alignment specialist…

Brooke Andrews, LMT

Physical Therapy and Posture Specialist in Bellingham, WA

I’ve been practicing Structural Integration, The method of Dr. Ida Rolf, Cranio-Sacral Biodynamics, and Foundation Training for over 24 years. But first and foremost I’m a student of alignment. 

My interest in wellness  and of the human body started in my childhood with thoughts of becoming a dentist or a therapist. 

In my very early 20s I learned Therapeutic Touch from a skilled nurse and later taught myself basic massage therapy.

After multiple injuries from sports and several knee surgeries it was clear I needed to know how to heal my body and keep it in good order.  So I began my full time study of The Rolf Method of Structural integration at the Guild for Structural Integration in Boulder CO graduating in 2000. Later adding in-depth trainings and certifications in Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapy with Scott Zamurut in Boulder CO, Yoga, Physical Therapy and and all things that come with it. 

Since then I have been on an epic journey, one that always brings me right back home to my own body-mind-soul. It’s from here, in the depths of my own uniqueness, that I share what I have found to be constantly and reliably helpful, healing and true… The delightful knowing and practice of alignment of the body-mind-soul.

My kitty Butters, the golden prototype of the more than human world.

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